
Singing from the heart

I was singing this morning, for the first time in many months. Not just humming along with iTunes either. This was full throated, from the heart singing. This is a very good sign. I don't sing when I'm sad - not even in the shower - and I've been very sad for a very long time... At… Continue reading Singing from the heart

other stuff


On a friend's recommendation I started journaling today. I haven't really been able to talk about my feelings for a long time. They've just been running round inside my head, making me cray and unhappy. Hopefully this'll allow me to let them out in a cathartic manner. I do feel a little better after that first… Continue reading Journaling

other stuff

No. That is really NOT okay!

I started reading this article just now. It's no doubt excellent, life affirming and all that - but I've had to stop reading. It started, shockingly, like this: “Excuse me ma’am, I really enjoyed your yoga class tonight. But I wanted to come by and tell you that as a yoga teacher, you need to lose weight.… Continue reading No. That is really NOT okay!


Building a home

Here's another vid from Living Big in a Tiny House: Underhill - The Magical Hobbit-Like Eco Cave House. As a fairly hobbit-like person myself, this is obviously going to appeal to me  🙂 I so wish I had a talent for building but I'm more of a small-scale crafty person myself (cards, picture frames and such). I… Continue reading Building a home

reviews, storytelling

Van Gough – art and angst

Vincent Van Gogh, that glorious nutter, was born today in 1853. He died at the age of 37 after a short life filled with genius and despair. Some years ago I read Martin Gayford's book The Yellow House: Van Gogh, Gauguin, and Nine Turbulent Weeks in Provence. This excellent work used old letters to reconstruct the few months Van Gogh spent… Continue reading Van Gough – art and angst