gaia-love, reviews

Inspired running

I ran 6k this morning. Before breakfast! I'm currently reading Christopher McDougall's book Born to Run. Not only is it fantastically well written, I'm finding it super educational and inspiring. I've long wanted to be a runner but struggled with fitness, stamina and motivation. I've started the Zombies, Run! 5k training programme a couple of times but dropped… Continue reading Inspired running

other stuff

How to be happy and healthy (or a close approximation thereof)

Here's Laci Green on healthy eating and body image: The diet she describes is quite similar to the one I've adopted over the last few years - especially the "eating mainly plants" part. It's been a bit harder, over the winter, to get sufficient in-season vegetation but I'm starting to increase veggies again (and decrease simple and processed… Continue reading How to be happy and healthy (or a close approximation thereof)


Springtime, geocaching and our close proximity to rodents…

According to Punxsutawney Phil we'll be having 6 more week of winter this year - but I reckon that's only about the weather. Imbolc has just passed so the light is changing, the days are getting longer and Spring is definitely about to start springing. Since I'm having the week off work I enjoyed a long, luxurious lie-in this… Continue reading Springtime, geocaching and our close proximity to rodents…


Plan Bee

A while ago I bought this little house for solo bees and other small, flying people. No-one has used it yet, as far as I can tell. Coming back from my zombie run today I found this wee fuzzy sitting on a step, apparently exhausted. I scooped her up in my bunnet and carried her home.… Continue reading Plan Bee

other stuff

Summer of #YES

Another beautiful walk/run home from the station tonight. Sparkling blue sky, fluffy clouds and just nicely warm. Perfect. I believe this is the best summer I have experienced in Scotland. Ever. Not since childhood anyway (every day was golden when I was a kid). Could it be that even the Scottish weather gods are looking… Continue reading Summer of #YES